Tuesday, September 29, 2015

what if i forgave myself?

What if I forgave myself? I thought. What if I forgave myself even though I'd done something I shouldn't have? What if I was a liar and a cheat and there was no excuse for what I'd done other than because it was what I wanted and needed to do? What if I was sorry, but if I could go back in time I wouldn't do anything differently than I had done? What if I'd actually wanted to have sex with every one of those men? What if heroin taught me something? What if yes was the right answer instead of no? What if what made me do all those things everyone thought I shouldn't have done was what also had got me here? What if I was never redeemed? What if I already was?     Sheryl Strayed "The Wild"

i have worked so hard at forgiving everyone else. i forgot to truly forgive myslef. i always say i didn't have to learn the way i did, but i'm gald i learned. today i release even the hint of guilt within that thought. i embrace my path and the redeemer. forgetting the notion that i need, needed a reedemer, or found/journeyed towards redemption. i already was. in it all.

 redeemed. fully beloved. 

today i look back on myself as redeemed. and forgive myself fully. until i no longer need too.  i'm going to get in the way of beauty. because i am beautiful.

Monday, September 21, 2015

sitting lightly

"You have a deep connection to your spirituality, it sits very lightly on you. You give it away so freely that even those without faith feel at ease and invited by the freedom."
- unknown man to me

i don't think there is a compliment that would have made me happier. my freedom is beginning to sing. my faith is getting its voice back. my worlds are converging. i am grateful. i am actually thrilled, the journey has been worth it and in rushes more freedom to live and move, pray and seek, to be...

there are still questions in my mind...but i am open to those. holding them, lightly--but open to the answers. i love emerging into the depth where it sits lightly and invites others to be a part.

amen, amen.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Quenching of Azlan

 There are places in my soul that are being called back, from a place that was covered by pain, confusion, weariness and decisions derived from self, rather than entering (past the Lion) to soothe my parched lips, dry throat and my wilting soul. I realize how thirsty I am for the Truth, a reminder of the Invitation. I had put it all down for a while, because "it" had become a burden, a judge, a confusion, a weapon, a trap, disguising the Invitation as something to dread. A restlessness --as I began to only see what I had lost rather than what I gained--replaced peace, excitement and my quenched soul.  The dare to courageously follow, abandon all to be at the Source is such a sweet place in MY soul, I am reawakening to the Invitation rather than the ACT. 

Friday, April 24, 2015

Trina's redemption song

Won't you help to sing,
These songs of freedom?
'Cause all we’ve ever had,
Redemption songs.
All we’ve ever had,
Redemption songs
These songs of freedom
Songs of freedom

Can you hear the roar within
Those things that have threatened
To destroy you
They are shrinking back in your strength

Trina, you are strong
Stronger than you know
Your hand has been made strong
By the hand of the Almighty.
To bring healing to this next generation

Redeeming the tears that have dropped
Returning the midnight hours that seem to last for eternity
Restoring the mother’s hearts that cry out in agony
Remembering the little boys who disappear before they grow old

Won't you help to sing,
These songs of freedom?
'Cause all we’ve ever had,
Redemption songs.
All we’ve ever had,
Redemption songs
These songs of freedom
Songs of freedom

Standing in your pain
Refusing your loss to be in vain
Falling to your knees and reaching out,
Only to find the strength of others
Who share the same

Trina, in your struggle
Through your forgiveness
You lead the way
For in your healing
They will find theirs
Our community is crying out

You bring the truth
Raw with emotion 
You bring knowledge and 
a New song 
begging others to
Emancipate themselves from mental slavery,

Won't you help to sing,
These songs of freedom?
'Cause all we’ve ever had,
Redemption songs.
All we’ve ever had,
Redemption songs
These songs of freedom
Songs of freedom

The Lord remembers the broken hearted
He gives strength to the weary
A smoldering wick he does not snuff out
A bruised read he does not break
His redemption song is
Soft and gentle yet,
Full of strength

Stand my friend,
Don’t lose your step
for your past, your pain
is redeemed

'Cause all we’ve ever had,
Redemption songs.
All we’ve ever had,
Redemption songs
These songs of freedom
Songs of freedom

Saturday, April 4, 2015

The Tension of Love and

 42 Arrested in 'Taliban Gang' Bust   

 (0coter 2009)

The Tension of love, justice, hope, and dreams deferred
The Tension of KNOWING some of these folks needed to be picked up
And some are a tadpole being rolled into a tsunami
The Tension of knowing these “grown men” as they were little boys,
Seeing their struggles and wiping their tears
Of watching as they grew into the men that lost their way
The Tension of love and hate aimed into one direction
The Tension of the police doing their job
And the church failing at theirs
The Tension of sitting with mothers as they weep
Their tadpole's shown as a monster
And listening to others describe their Monsters
As angles

The Tension of those from the outside with all their comments
Colliding with those that know a different story
The Tension of little boys who have seen nothing else and
Grown men who know better
The Tension of HOODSTARZ as Role Models and Role Models as
The Tension of 42 African American sitting in a courtroom
With 42 white lawyers
The Tension of 60 folks watching
and only 2 of them men
The Tension of “ I told you”
and I’m so sorry for you
The Tension of 10 years to life
And you can never give back what you have taken
The tension of paying a debt
And those who love you PAYING it DOUBLE
The Tension of kids without daddies
Becoming daddies without kids.
The Tension of a straight A junior
Unable to help her mother
The Tension of a mother's fight
Unable to undo what is done
The Tension of CRACK COCAINE sells
And COCAINE buyers
The Tension of a community without 42 members
And 36 children without fathers
The Tension of a Father incarcerated with his sons
And untold stories,
The Tension of celebrating LIFE GIVING choices
And mourning that you were there when it started
The Tension of systemic issues
And personal choice
The Tension of Truth
And fear spewed by media
The Tension of communities forgotten
And one-sided stories
The Tension of God’s promises
And perceived reality


A Target


How is it possible
That you might be
A target?
Coining a word
Does not make it normal
Where the fuck
Is justice
Who is screaming
On the streets
Who the FUCK cares
Your blood runs down the sidewalk
Into the gutter
Screaming your name
Drowned by the other screams
I wonder why I can’t sleep
And why you look so
Fucking tried
Paris, Derrick, Giggs, Angelica, Dontea, Jameace, Tyrone
Kaneeta, Bookie, Daron, Anthony, DJ, Bonnie, Sonya, Isaiah
Coining a word does not justify your death
Does not make you not a soul
It simply defies truth
When does..

Where does this story end.

Some thoughts for TalenaLashy

Some thoughts

Spinning and looking for

Tired and frustrated of the

Angry and Exhausted from

Hungry and Capable of

I stand with you
I stand knowing the
You are strong, beautiful, talented, intelligent and overall

I stand with you
I stand knowing that
Lasts only a while….
As things settled
You will see the paths, valleys and mountain tops
Will reign

I stand with you
I stand knowing that you are
In 1000 ways…
By Many People….
By the God of the Universe

I stand
Hoping that TRUTH, CLARITY, LOVE will surround you
And DEFINE you