Saturday, April 4, 2015

Be Strong

Be Strong
(sept 2009)

Be Strong Heather
Stand up for yourself
Demand to be treated as you
Stop loving those that
Cannot love you back
Stop defeating the fight within
Love yourself better
Let the Lord of all Love you
Be strong Heather
Do not waste more time
Or energy
Or love
Demand to be treated well
To be special
Stop stop stop
Stop trying to please
The unpleaseable
Release the past
Look deep within yourself
Where is your voice
That you want for Janisa
Where is your voice
That crys for justice
That fights for the little guy
The one that is forgotten
Look in the mirror
You are she
She is you
Stop stop stop
And let the Lord Love You
Let Him redefine your value
Stop fighting for something or someone who
Must fight for themselves
You are the only one who can
Stop stop stop this
He (the Lord) will wait for you…
But what is the cost
And you will hear
Precious daughter
You are strong enough
With my Help
You, You can stop
You Can Do this
It is not bigger then you
I am in you…
Take back what you have given
And stop
Looking for something that cannot be
Stop believing in something
I have not promised
I will change Him…
You must release
Let go
And be
There will be no healthy ending to something
That was never healthy.
Stop hoping
Stand tall
Be strong

But stop

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