Friday, March 27, 2015

A Dialogue.

A Dialogue.
somewhere in the darkness of Oct 2011

Me: rough one Chris
Chris: yea
Me: remember that Cat?
Chris: yea, that was so funny
Me: I loved spending that last hour with you every Wed night
Chris: yea it worked out pretty good, huh?
Me: I wish I knew more how to help you, that I wouldn’t have gotten so burned out--
Chris: I always felt you were available, I just wasn’t ready-
Me: I think when Box was killed you turned a corner-
Chris: I know—I just hurt so bad, and I counldn't make sense.
Me: also when you were with Jubar, Lionel and Will--
Chris: yea, I was so sorry you found out.
Me: You were robbed you know….your academics sucked
Chris: I know--I really saw it at Butte, but didn’t know how to fix it--
Me: that damn weed Chris!!! It numbed you so you couldn’t work hard--you couldn't get to healing
Chris: I know, but there had been so much confusion in my life, my moms, my dad, and then everyone getting killed
ME: yea, you have a pretty special space in my life, and Will’s ….When I saw your mom and grandfather after that night....we laughed and cried-- you were loved…..your were so many people's beloved.
Chris: I know…
Me: I gotta figure out how to take care of me
Chris: yep…. you can’t make someone do anything….but Sundance—I always knew.

i felt it coming

i felt it coming
written in the darker hours of 2011

i was lying on the bottom of the pool
my lungs half full
and i can't get up

i felt it coming…
i was trying to hold on
to make things right
to fight the good fight
my feet were slipping
my eyes dry
but my tears wet

the sickness came and
laid me down
and my mind began to spin
images from years back
intermixed with yesterday
sadness, deep, deep sadness took
as my mind drained through my eyes

i was running
and didn’t stop
didn’t resist
couldn’t really
and then covered it up
like it
wasn’t really there
not looking at you
for fear I’d
hear what you were saying


seeing so soberly how I escape
is a trap
insidiously designed
to bind and destroy me

saturated and overflowing
hope turned into dismay
foggy from pain and chaos
hanging on by a thread
tired to my bones
afraid my path
has ended
my medication
turned to addiction
and tainted the 20 years
of attempt

forgotten first love
dry actions
empty promises
belief and denial
twisted into
a dead stare

as I write gunshots pop
and sirens blare
20 year olds
lie in the middle of the street
mothers scream
and brother’s rage
guns reloaded
hommies brace themselves

little boys hold
daddy’s hands
“why? “
“because bad things happen to bad people”
he explains
with silent prayers
desperately begging
god to spare his baby boy
from this madness

my mind become numb
unable to take more
more knowledge
of things gone bad
grappling with words
that might explain
might heal
might just impact

that I might
remember the
many many


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

for my godson

for my godson

Tears rolling down your cheeks
like bullet shells dropping to the ground
one life lost
15 more dressed in white, dazed by confusion
anger, fear and pain --years old,
insidiously demanding
screaming revenge
the young brother with a similar whisper
and same dazed look
your target
you spin in and out of
the child with chubby cheeks
and big dreams
and the mask that covers 
all  things
good, and, natural, and beautiful
voices speak out muffled pleas
to stand
stand up
you wonder where your legs went
cut off long ago
a mother sobs
focusing your daze
a homeboy’s cry
becomes contagious
only nobody knows where it starts or stops
fingers clinch triggers
clapping at anything
that might relieve your pain
only to find it circles back around
like a dog chasing its tail
there are no winners
only loss
deep altering loss

Oh child beautiful child
let your tears roll
like white flags of surrender
let them cleanse you soul
lay down your head and listen
to the voice of Truth
the one who Loves you
and calls you by name
a bruised reed He will not break
a smoldering wick
He will not snuff out
lean back
And wait
for He is faithful
to heal your broken heart
to bring back 
things you thought were lost
He can redeem you
your sister, your brother,
your cousins, your partners
they don’t have to die in vain
you are not your father
absent, angry, addicted
you are not your mother
weary, worn, wounded
stand up
your legs are not gone
for He renews
the strength of the weary.
stare down the lie
and stand
revenge, confusion and death only muffles hope
for it cannot be destroyed
his Love remains
his Plans are still For Good
not for harm
He has the final word

and you are not alone