Tuesday, March 24, 2015

for my godson

for my godson

Tears rolling down your cheeks
like bullet shells dropping to the ground
one life lost
15 more dressed in white, dazed by confusion
anger, fear and pain --years old,
insidiously demanding
screaming revenge
the young brother with a similar whisper
and same dazed look
your target
you spin in and out of
the child with chubby cheeks
and big dreams
and the mask that covers 
all  things
good, and, natural, and beautiful
voices speak out muffled pleas
to stand
stand up
you wonder where your legs went
cut off long ago
a mother sobs
focusing your daze
a homeboy’s cry
becomes contagious
only nobody knows where it starts or stops
fingers clinch triggers
clapping at anything
that might relieve your pain
only to find it circles back around
like a dog chasing its tail
there are no winners
only loss
deep altering loss

Oh child beautiful child
let your tears roll
like white flags of surrender
let them cleanse you soul
lay down your head and listen
to the voice of Truth
the one who Loves you
and calls you by name
a bruised reed He will not break
a smoldering wick
He will not snuff out
lean back
And wait
for He is faithful
to heal your broken heart
to bring back 
things you thought were lost
He can redeem you
your sister, your brother,
your cousins, your partners
they don’t have to die in vain
you are not your father
absent, angry, addicted
you are not your mother
weary, worn, wounded
stand up
your legs are not gone
for He renews
the strength of the weary.
stare down the lie
and stand
revenge, confusion and death only muffles hope
for it cannot be destroyed
his Love remains
his Plans are still For Good
not for harm
He has the final word

and you are not alone

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